Sunday 31 January 2010

Thursday 28/01/10

We were not aware that the presentation we had today was so formal. Therefore when we met at 10am we began to panic. Our presentation was at 4pm so we spent all day sorting all of our work out ready to present. This is when steve come up with the idea of a dust jacket which could go around our packaging. This would be the same image as the cover but have dust on it. We watched another groups presentation before us and they had really prepared for it and use a power point presentation. We did our best with what we had and the tutors liked our idea but agreed it should be more developed. From this we realized we need to prepare who is going to speak and exactly what they will say. Also to have a mint condition final product to hand out, as well as an in-time power point presentation of images including ideas and research.

Today we also talked about our mascot Peter La Scalla! That then prompted me to open the tape holder and read the information inside the folded paper images. To our complete astonishment we found that it had been signed by him! We are definitely keeping him as our mascot! GO TEAM LA SCALLA!!!!

Steven Cherry
Lauren Avery
Sarah Baker
Jade Wells

Next meeting:
Monday 01/02/10 - 10am

Aims for next meeting:
- Develop our ideas.
- Prepare for more photography and what we want.
- Think about a logo and font.
- Start planning the website.

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